Ed and John VanMackelberg Bred Cow Dispersal

Killarney Auction Mart 3/4 mile South of Highway 3 & 18,, Killarney, Manitoba, Canada

Approximately 170 Bred Char and Sim cows. Includes 20 Home Raised Bred Heifers bred Proven Easy Calving Red Angus RamRod Bull Mature Cows Bred Martens Charolais Bulls. Bulls out June 1 This is a rare opportunity.  As I walked through some of the pastures this summer, the cows were grazing in the Turtle Mountains and would come over to check Continue Reading

Prairie Partners Bull Sale

Killarney Auction Mart 3/4 mile South of Highway 3 & 18,, Killarney, Manitoba, Canada

C2 Charolais Bull Sale

Killarney Auction Mart 3/4 mile South of Highway 3 & 18,, Killarney, Manitoba, Canada