Annual Perkin/McRuer and Guests Female Sale

Perkin Land and Cattle Co Darryl  204-534-8137 c 204-769-2159 h 16 Bred Hfrs 12 Cows Calving February/March Valley Field Simmentals Larry Dyck 204-823-8101 6 Bred Hfrs 7 Cows Calving January Boyd Mullin 204-529-2539 Shannon Mullin 204-208-0069 19 Bred Hfrs Calving March/April Oakview Simmentals Todd 204-823-1434 8 Bred Hfrs Calving January/February McRuer Simmentals Jeff 204-534-0760 10 Bred Hfrs 25 Cows Calving Continue Reading

Bred Cow Sale

Bruce and Sheila Wallcraft LaRiviere 55 Bred Cows, Hfrs The premier herd dispersal this fall.  Young Black and Red Simmental cows.  Some very good tan cows as well.  McMillan Ranching Genetics. Bulls were turned out the first week of June for March calving.  Full herd health with cows vaccinated with Express every year Pre-Breeding. A young herd with excellent udders, Continue Reading