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Regular Sale Morning, Cow/Calf Pairs 1pm
May 29, 2023@9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Van De Velde Cattle Mariapolis 204-825-4305
35 Sim Cows
Mostly young/middle age cows
Fermicon PreCalving
April/May Calves
Totazuril, Excede, Vit AD andEnforce 3 at birth
Devin Andries Pilot Mound 204-245-0420
65 Char and SimX Cows
Oldest Cow 8 years old
Char Bulls
Calves born Jan 1 to beginning of April
Hiefers have first calf as 3 year olds
Cowherd gets Triangle 10 twice a year. Last done Fall 2022
Bulls out Mar 25
Gordon Delichte Simmentals Ste Alphonse 204-526-7502
9 First Calf Simmental Heifers
Jan/Feb/Mar Calves
Sim Bulls out April 10
Cows Express 10 Prebreeding
Calves castrated, Enforce 3, Express , Tasvax 8
Robert Mitchell Baldur 204-825-7702
24 Black and Red Sim Cows
Calves born mid April and later
20 are steer calves
Express PreBreeding every year (will announce sale day if done this year)
Calves totrazorul, Vit AD, Selenium, ringed, nasalgen 3pmh and probiotics at birth
Harmill Farms Boissevain
25 Black Cows
20 Cows Born 2017 and younger
4 cows born 2014
Cows vaccinated May 18 with Bovashield Gold FP, Covexin+, Solomectin
Feb 18 with Scourgard and Cylence
Calves vaccinated May 18 with Bovashield Gold One Shot and Covexin+
Dallas Rowe Coulter 204-522-0911
10-20 Black Cows
Start Calving Mid April
Cows and Calves vaccinated with Vista and Vision
Calves castrated
All ready to turn out onto grass
Kelly Hardern Killarney 204-534-8164
Char Cows
March Calves
Calves had Enforce, Blkleg, Selenium, Vit AD
Some young cows